Call for Nominations: 2023 Leopoldo B. Uichanco Outstanding Entomologist Award

Call for Nominations: 2023 Leopoldo B. Uichanco Outstanding Entomologist Award

"Uichanco" by IRRI IRS is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
“Uichanco” by IRRI IRS is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

Dr. Leopoldo B. Uichanco was a pioneer in the subject of entomology, since he was the first Filipino professor in the field and the first Filipino to acquire a Master of Science in the field from the Department of Entomology at the College of Agriculture. From 1923 until 1956, he was in the department’s leadership and was responsible for a number of significant developments in Filipino entomology.

The Philippine Association of Entomologists (PAE) will present the Leopoldo B. Uichanco Distinguished Entomologist Award in 2023 to honor his life’s work. The award is presented to an entomologist who has made significant contributions to entomology and society as a whole, particularly via their leadership and devotion to PAE.

Before being considered for nomination, a candidate must be a member or regular member of PAE and have participated in events and activities for at least three years. The prize may be nominated by any PAE member, colleague, or local government official.

In the curriculum vitae supplied with the nomination documents, the nominee’s teaching, research, extension, administration, industry, and other entomology-related activities should be mentioned in detail. In this regard, it is essential to highlight the nominee’s leadership roles in PAE and other professional organizations, as well as any honors they may have received from these organisations over the last decade.

In the one-page summary of the nominee’s professional achievements or contributions, it is also necessary to provide proof of the nominee’s extraordinary achievements for the organization(s). The L.B. Uichanco Distinguished Entomologist Award (Academe) criteria will be based on the entomologist’s achievements as an educator, professional progress, leadership/administrative work connected to entomological initiatives, and other indications.


General Requirements


  1. Member/ Regular member of PAE for at least three years and has made significant contributions in his/her profession for the benefit of the society.
  2. Regularly attending the PAE events/activities (i.e., PMCP conference) for at least three (3) years


  1. Any member of PAE or his /her colleagues/ local government official

Nomination Documents

  1. Curriculum vitae of the nominee
    • Name and position of nominee
    • Teaching, research, extension, administration, industry and other related activities to entomology
    • Leadership in PAE/PMCP and other professional responsibilities (i.e., committees, special assignments, professional societies, honor societies, community activities)
    • Reviewer/Editor/Section or Associate Editor in a research journal
    • Professional and civic organization awards received in the past 10 years
    • Description of work on which nomination is made.
      • As an educator (teacher, Instructor, Professor)- A brief description of the course(s) taught and list of teaching materials developed such as laboratory manuals, textbooks published, audio- visual aids and other teaching innovations introduced. List of activities as an adviser of student organization
  2. One page summary of the nominee’s career achievements or contributions and proof of outstanding achievements or contributions to the organization/s

General Requirements

I. Accomplishments as Entomologist (60%)

  1. As an Educator (Teacher, Instructor, Professor) 
  2. Number of courses taught
  3. Number of thesis students graduated (Senior Highschool, BS, MS, PhD)  
  4. Instructional materials produced (recorded audiovisual presentation, CD, laboratory / lecture manuals, power point etc.)
  5. Published in scientific articles, books, research reviews (Web of Science, Scopus, refereed, proceedings, non- technical etc.) and other creative works
  6. Testimonials of former students and the present position held of this former student

II. Professional Advancement (20%)

  1. training /workshop, conferences, symposium attended (Local= 1% ; international= 4 %): maximum of 5%
  2. Papers presented ( regional=1%; national= 3% ; and International=5%,): 10% maximum
  3. Academic qualification (BS= 2%; MS= 3%; PhD= 5%)
  4. Post-doctoral training

III. Leadership/ administrative work related to entomological projects (10%)

  1. Academic Administration (chairperson/director crop protection= 4%, department head= 3%, project leader= 3%, program leader= 2%)

IV. Other indicators (10%)

  1. Awards received (professional awards: 5%, civic awards:1%) (4%)
  2. Position held in scientific organization (1%)
  3. Amount of fund generated (2%)

Let us celebrate the memory of Dr. Leopoldo B. Uichanco by acknowledging the contributions of entomologists to Philippine Entomology. Nominations will be accepted via the PAE email, until April 30, 2023, and the recipient will be revealed during the 55th Anniversary and Annual Scientific Conference of the Pest Management Council of the Philippines in Davao, Philippines.