The Feliciano B. Calora Outstanding Entomologist Award

The Philippine Association of Entomologists, Inc. wishes to continue recognizing its outstanding members in all fields of endeavor and to continue the tradition of excellence in the field of entomology that began more than 100 years ago in its mother institution, the old Department of Entomology, UPLB.

PAE believes that Filipino entomologists will continue to flourish and achieve in a variety of pure and applied, academic and non-academic fields. The lives of pioneering Filipino entomologists demonstrate the variety of exceptional entomological accomplishments; Dean Leopoldo B. Uichanco, the first Filipino entomologist and the Father of Philippine Entomology, established the highest standards for instruction, research, and academic professional life.

PAE believes that one such remarkable example of excellence in non-academic elements of entomology is exemplified in the life of Dr. Feliciano B. Calora, who deserves to be recognized for his efforts.

Other contemporary Filipino entomologists have become role models not only for their service to the PAE, but also for non-academic but equally important and significant aspects of Philippine entomology, such as crop protection and pesticide industries, industrial entomology and other entrepreneurial endeavors, research management, public service and administration.


  1. Member/regular member of PAE and has served the society for at least one vear and has made significant contributions in his/her profession for the benefit of the society.
  2. Regularly attending the PMCP for at least 3 consecutive years


Any member of PAE or his/her colleagues/local government official

Nomination documents

  1. Curriculum vitae of the nominee
    • Name and position of the nominee
    • Teaching, research, extension, administration, industry, and other entomology-related activities
    • Other professional responsibilities including committees and species assignments
    • Leadership and participation in other professional societies, hone societies, and community activities
    • Awards received in the past 10 years
    • Description of work on which nomination is made
  2. One page summary of the nominee’s career achievements or contributions
  3. Proof of outstanding achievements or contributions to the organizations


  1. Accomplishments as entomologist (75%)
    • As administrator (position held, such as superintendent, headship, director etc.) (30%)
      1. Program/ projects implemented
      2. Extent of outcome impact
      3. Amount of fund generated
      4. Resourcefulness (resource generation and mobilization with supporting documents)
      5. Testimonials of colleagues or former peers
    • As a researcher (30%)
      1. Lists of On-going and completed researches (4%)
      2. Involvement in research as project, study leader, co-researcher (4%)
      3. Technologies produced (7%)
      4. Impact/ outcome of the technology produced/ developed (7%)
      5. Publications ( refereed, proceedings, non- technical etc. (5%)
    • As extension worker (15%)
      1. Extension materials produced
      2. Extension projects
      3. Number of clients served
      4. Impact of the extension work
      5. Resource person speaker, lecturer
  2. Professional Advancement (12%)
    1. Training workshop/conference attended (4%)
    2. Paper presented (locally /internationally) (3%)
    3. Academic preparation (BS, MS, PhD.) (5%)
  3. Other indicators (13%)
    1. Awards received
    2. Active involvement in professional and scientific societies
    3. Position held in professional and scientific societies

Submit your entries to phil.assoc.entom.inc@gmail.com until April 30, 2023!